As part of our mission, Hirsch Electric strives to develop our employees to their fullest potential. Our in-house development center provides opportunities for targeted training in specific tasks that can immediately be deployed to the jobsite. Whether it’s a new employee, high school student, or a current employee looking to brush up on a skill, the Hirsch Electric development center has a solution. We are continuously updating the training modules and adding new programs to allow more opportunity for our employees.
The development center utilizes hands on mentoring in a small group setting. Programs include conduit bending, motor control, lighting controls, transformer wiring, MC and NM cable rough-in, circuitry comprehension, fire alarm systems, etc. A typical day in this interactive program begins with a safety talk and lesson objective, followed by a review of the provided materials, construction time, and finally demonstrating the functioning model built by each student. The training day mimics an actual day on the job, all PPE is required, lunch break is taken, and cleanup is enforced.
Each summer we welcome a new group of high school electrical students to continue their education while school is out. These students spend a portion of their time in the development center learning new skills before returning in the fall to regular classroom learning at their school. Many of these students return to join the Hirsch Electric team after they graduate high school.

In addition to learning new skills, the tools used during a regular workday are introduced in the development center. Students are taught the proper use of these tools before ever reaching the jobsite.